ASCILITE 2002 - Winds of change in the sea of learning: charting the course of digital education
December 8-11 2002: UNITEC, Auckland, New Zealand 

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ASCILITE 2002 » sponsors



Fuji Xerox



HASLER provides the expertise and unparalleled support for multimedia technologies in education. It is a leader in the field and assists educators to harness the challenge of change and exploit the use of new and emerging technologies in teaching and learning

SANYO provides leading edge technologies for education which help create new learning environments that enhance the richness of the student learning experience and the nature of teaching.

HASLER New Zealand and SANYO are proud to be a co-sponsors of ASCILITE 2002




The Apple Computer Division of Renaissance Limited are proud to be sponsors of ASCILITE 2002
Blackboard was founded with a vision to transform the Internet into a powerful environment for teaching and learning. The company offers a complete suite of enterprise software products and services that power a total "e-Education Infrastructure" for schools, colleges, universities, and other education providers worldwide.

The Blackboard e-Education SuiteTM offers a variety of independent, yet interoperable systems that deliver the promise of the Internet for online teaching and learning, campus communities, student Web services, and campus commerce. The Blackboard Learning SystemTM brings teaching and learning online with an easy-to-use course management system. The Blackboard Community Portal SystemTM enables seamless online unification of academics, communities, and administrative Web services. In addition, Blackboard is introducing Blackboard Learning System MLTM, the multi-language edition of its industry-leading course management system, including Chinese, French, German, Japanese, and Spanish.

Consistently ranked by industry analysts as the market share and customer satisfaction leader, the company is headquartered in Washington, D.C., with offices and staff across North America, Europe and Asia. To learn more, please visit ASCILITE stand #3 or


NextEd Limited is a systems integrator engaged in providing infrastructure to post-secondary education and training providers. NextEd specialises in assembling libraries of courses from mainly Western education partners, which are delivered through multiple sites in Asia by local partners, using the NextEd digital infrastructure. NextEd operates on both a fee for service basis and as a risk-sharing partner in the resultant businesses.
Information on the NextEd/ASCILITE Research Grant

Campus Copy and Print, UNITEC


Cyclone Computers


WebCT is the world's leading provider of integrated e-learning systems for higher education.

Over 2,600 colleges and universities in over 80 countries worldwide are using WebCT's products and services to transform the educational experience of their students.

Consortia in 24 American states, four Canadian provinces, two Australian territories, the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities and the Consortium of Distance Education have licensed WebCT for their member institutions, making it the de facto standard in higher education.

For more information, please visit

ASCILITE 2002   what's new?   locations   bus timetable   programme at a glance   conference programme   workshops   keynote speakers   cultural information   CONFERENCE PHOTOS   social activities   the sheep pen   conference themes   dates and costs   call for papers   registration   awards   presenter information   sponsors   about auckland   contact us

UNITEC - Auckland New Zealand - Te Whare Wananga o Wairaka   ASCILITE