Photo of Barr Smith Lawns

Conference Theme




ASCILITE 2003 will be held at the University of Adelaide.

ASCILITE 2003 will showcase the significant research, the latest developments and best practices associated with the use of technology in tertiary education. The conference will highlight the growing importance of multimedia and online learning in the curriculum and the rapid pace of change in the information and communications technology sectors.

About the ASCILITE 2003 logo

Adelaide is renowned for its abundance of parklands, long stretches of impressive coastline and parallel
roads through the heart of the city. These three characteristics unique to Adelaide, are symbolised through
the three elements of the ASCILITE 2003 logo.

The grid implies the parallel roads, the green sickle-like shapes represent the parklands surrounding Adelaide
and the coastline is suggested by the blue drop.

In addition, the theme, "Interact : Integrate : Impact "was an essential attribute to the composition of the ASCILITE 2003
logo.  The grid not only demonstrates the infrastructure of Adelaide's roads but also the notion of networking, integrating
and interacting. Similarly, the sickle forms resembling the parklands illustrate the concept of connecting and cooperation.
The idea of impact is displayed by the drop, adding a hint of surprise upon the other elements in unison.