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Elizabeth Jolley Theatre ASCILITE '97 will be held at the Bentley Campus of Curtin University of Technology, Perth Western Australia.

The plenary sessions will take place in the Elizabeth Jolley lecture theatre complex, Building 210 (shown here on the right) near the centre of the campus. Here is a map of the area surrounding Elizabeth Jolley, and another map zoomed in on the Elizabeth Jolley complex. Poster sessions, the trade exhibition, morning and afternoon teas and lunches will be held in the foyer/coffee shop area in the front of this building. Breakout sessions will take place in Building 210 and the nearby Engineering building (Building 204).

All lecture rooms will have high quality (at least 800x600) computer projection facilities for both IBM and Macintosh computers. Each venue will be equipped with a 166MHz Compaq Pentium computer and a Power Macintosh, ranging from 133-350MHz. All will be on the campus LAN and thus have high-speed Internet connections.

The PCs may be booted under either Windows 3.11 or Windows 95, while the Power Macs may be booted under either System 7.6.1 or System 8.0. All systems will run the appropriate version of Microsoft Office and Netscape Navigator.

A small laboratory of computers with internet access will also be provided in Building 210.

Page Last Updated Thursday, 04-Dec-97 16:17:15
Enquiries about this site please contact Mariusz Kovler