
The ascilite 2009 Conference Committee invites the submission of proposals for: This document specifies the formats and requirements for all categories of proposal.

Conference information The theme of ascilite 2009 is Same places, different spaces. Proposals based on research, development and/or innovations in teaching and learning may address one or more of the following sub themes.

Blended space
How do learners move between independent and dependent spaces for learning? How are physical spaces changing to facilitate learning in blended environments? What makes blended learning effective, why, how, when and where?

Virtual space
What is happening around education in virtual worlds? What is the impact, what are the implications and how can the potential of this emergent area be realistically assessed?

Social space
What Web 2.0 technologies are teachers and students using? How well do they work, how do you know, and what can be done to improve and enhance their use?

Mobile space
How are mobile devices being used in learning environments? What unique functionality do they offer? What do students think, and how do they learn with these ubiquitous tools?

Work space
What do industries, trades, businesses and professions do with e-learning in further education and training? What works and why? Where does their future lie in the world of e-learning?