Computers replacing lectures: a case study in multimedia

John Waddick
Educational Technology
Otago Polytechnic, Private bag 1910, Dunedin.

Following concerns with traditional education methods involving students as passive participants in learning chemistry as well as holding negative perceptions of the subject, a multimedia computer classroom environment was developed using computers and a computer program written by the lecturer. These have radically changed the methods of learning at Otago Polytechnic, with the lecturer acting as a facilitator for learning, and the computer providing an instruction and feedback role. While use of the computer in learning has typically focussed on the computer as a supplement to traditional teaching, in this case the computer is used as a tool that takes over many of the traditional teacher directed lecturing activities and is the major resource for the 34 week course of 170 hours, providing notes, interactive questions, simulations, digital video and some assessment. The design of this innovative computer environment has also provided social benefits, with feedback from students showing a very good acceptance of the program. The presentation will involve a demonstration of the multi media software and discussion of some of the research findings.

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