A Project Approach to Teaching and Learning with Technology: A Case Study with Microworlds Project Builder

John Eklund
Faculty of Education A35
University of Sydney 2006

The Faculty of Education at the University of Sydney has introduced a new course entitled Computing Studies 1 for the second year Technology and Applied Studies (TAS) strand of the Bachelor of Education. This is a three hour per week full year course which is preparatory in content and teaching methodology for the Computing Studies courses in Junior Secondary School. This course uses both Microworlds Project Builder (MPB) and HyperCard as applications through which course outcomes are realised.

This paper focuses on the MPB section of the course, introduces the software and investigates its potential as a multimedia authoring environment, a teaching tool, an appropriate platform to achieve specific course objectives (both in the Junior Secondary Syllabus and in the university TAS strand), and finally as an educational philosophy based on Logo. Its potential as an across-curriculum tool is investigated, and the overall structure of the course in developing student-centred approaches to teaching and learning with technology are detailed.

The extent to which elements of content and methodology are derived from a 'new basics' approach, stressing the development of metacognitive and procedural skills, is placed in the perspective of the Secondary Computing Studies Syllabus. The paper presents elements of the course evaluation which underscore desirable changes in student attitudes to teaching and learning with technology.

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